Monday, May 8, 2017

English 15 ( How to do Speech Oral Examination )

Part I. Basic Speech Outline

Your Name:
Title of the Speech:
Purpose of Speech: ( To inform, persuade, entertain )
Thesis Statement:
Time of Speech: 2 minutes
Types of Audience:

      I.     Introduction
             A. Refer to the audience and the occasion
             B. Use "Factors of Attention" : Familiarity, Reality, Proximity
             C. Preview
     II.    Body
             A.  First Main Point\
                   1. Supporting Point
                   2. Supporting Point
             B.   Second Main Point
                   1. Supporting Point
                   2. Supporting Point
            C.    Third Main Point
                   1. Supporting Point
                   2. Supporting Point
     III.   Conclusion

Part 2. Writing the Speech
              Expound your outline in a 3 paragraph written composition.

Date of submission: May 9, 2017 (Tomorrow)
Short Bond Paper
Arial, 12, 1.5

Sunday, May 7, 2017

World Literature ( Final Project )


  1. 4-5 minutes only.
  2. Must have the ELEMENTS of the short story.
  3. English language only.
  4. The trailer must be placed in a CD case with the names of the group members arranged alphabetically.
  5. Must be submitted on May 15 (Monday) at the DLL office before 1 pm.
  1. Attractiveness (Graphic, font, color, effects) = 25
  2. Content (Relevance to the theme) = 50
  3. Originality (Creativity and Innovation) = 50
  4. Quality ( Audio and Video ) = 25

ASSIGNED TOPICS (The number represents the group number) 
  1. The story of an hour = Kate Chopin
  2. The Gift of Magi = O' Henry
  3. Araby = James Joyce
  4. A Rose for Emily = William Faulkner
  5. Moonlight = Guy de maupassant
  6. Winter Dreams = Scott Fitzgerald